Apoxie Sculpt – Wrath of Kings bases

Some weird bug motivated me to put together the Wrath of Kings Goritsi I picked up at a Huzzah swap meet a few months back.

Of course, I quickly ran into the same problem Shaefer ran into*: what the hell were they thinking when they chose those bases?  The MicroArt Studios insert idea is Clever, but when they’re not available, it’s not a viable.  (As far as I know they’ve all shipped to backers but if, say, you wanted a type you didn’t select in the pledge manager or didn’t back it, you’re SOL.)  It’s a decision that boggles the mind the point of actively aggravating me.

Anyway: just buying a back of round-lipped bases is Too Easy, and I’m not enthused enough about these minis to want to put them on resin bases. So I took my advice to Mike: I filled the bases with Apoxie Sculpt.  To prevent it from looking lumpy and mushy, I scraped over the top with a spackle knife.

Apoxie Sculpt Wrath of Kings Base

It’s a tacky material, so it stuck to the blade… which meant I got a neat texture out out of the process.  I’m not sure what I’ll do with it: just drybrush over it and call it ground or maybe fill the gaps with a color and, with a little gloss, call it marble.

Anyway, I thought it was neat-looking.

  • That might not be the right link; I know I suggested Apoxie Sculpt and that seems to be on a different post.