The Salzenmund Apophaſiſ

I never got around to posting an overview about the game I’m about to run. I probably should fix that, since I’m about to start posting particulars about it.  Here’s the write-up:

The game will take place during the Thirty Year’s War.  All of the characters will be deserters, ditching the conflict in the aftermath of and in response to the horrors of the Sack of Magdeburg (or a similar, ahistorical event). Whatever’s happening here it sure ain’t the will of God, and it’s sure not something the PCs want any further part of. The world is going to Hell and, while they’ve bad things, they’re hardly alone. More significantly, they’re done. They’re getting out before their souls are stained any further. It’s time to find somewhere you can be safe: Switzerland.

The setting will lack fantastic elements. So, no elves, dwarves or halflings. No wizards. Initiates are valid choices, however, because they don’t actually start with the Divine Lore talent (so no need to worry about magic prayers at character creation.). It will be real-world historical run by a non-student of history. Expect ahistoricity and fudging, but no dragons or wyverns.  This might change as the game progresses, mind you, but we’re going to begin by selling things straight.

As I mentioned above, everyone’s a human. My default assumption is that they would be Catholic Germans, but I don’t really care about religious and ethnic choices: Protestant, Catholic, German, Spanish, Swedish – I don’t care so long as different players’ choices don’t become catastrophically prohibitive to party unity. In other words, if one of the PCs is a former Bourbon supporter and another former Hapsburg supporter: that’s cool, so long as things are much closer to “Boy, this sucks, let’s help each other get out of this shit situation” than “BURN HERETIC BURN!”

We’re using the WFRP 2E system. There will be some slight changes to char gen. Additionally, I expect to tweak rules a fair amount here and there as the game progresses.

I’m eyeballs deep in OSR blogs at the moment, so expect that mentality to inform the direction of the game: that is to say: exploration, resource management, and flexibility.

We’ll try extremely hard to stick to a every-other-Friday schedule.